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12 Common Pitfalls in EDRM implementation

Pitfalls while implementing EDRM solution can cost the project dearly. Listed below are some pitfalls to avoid.

June 22, 2022
12 Common Pitfalls in EDRM implementation

Some common pitfalls in EDRM implementations

The need for rapid business transformation has never been greater. Every industry is adopting digital transformation at a rapid speed. But this rapid transformation has also increased the number of data loads and applications, and cyber-attacks have become common.

It has become imperative for organizations to ensure their prevention, detection, and alerting capabilities are functional. Data security approaches are fundamental to digital transformation to make sure that data protection is not breached.

Enterprise Digital Rights Management solution (EDRM) enables enterprises to securely collaborate across the value ecosystem by managing IP protection through access control rules, security tracking, and authentication mechanisms.

1.Overestimating EDRM capabilities

Many organizations are overzealous to protect their assets and have a blind belief that a particular EDRM solution can protect all of its assets. However, you have to understand the EDRM solution capabilities, its limitations, and whether the solution is the right choice for the organization.

2. Underestimating EDRM capabilities

Sometimes, organizations will underestimate the EDRM solution capabilities because of prior implementation failure. Today, many EDRM solutions that have matured and are well-suited to meet the needs of the organization. Every organization must make its evaluation to see if the solution will meet its needs.

3. Failure to get top management buy-in

One of the most common reasons for project failure is a lack of executive support and management buy-in. Many EDRM projects have a significant impact on the workflows of many end- users. Without executive-level buy-in, employees can always not cooperate leading to a state where the project fails.

4. Missing developing critical use cases

Many a time uses cases are included late in the project. This may lead to developing a faulty design or improper solution implementation. It is always good to add as many use cases at the beginning of the project.

5. No proper EDRM exit plan

EDRM exit plan is very critical as it involves tools, processes, and personnel. A proper exit plan will ensure smooth implementation when the project closes or comes to an end.

6. No proper use case planning

It is very important to plan proper use cases. Use cases that are defined at too high a level can give too much leeway and freedom to the designers while too much detailing of the use cases will take up much documentation time and cause unnecessary delays.

7. Errors in translating the use cases

Solution designers should always keep in mind that use cases facilitate solution design. Most often, solution designers create a product and then try to fit the use case into that design. This will limit the solution design and later they may find that the solution design did not meet all of their requirements. At other times, sometimes organizations invest in an extremely powerful EDRM solution that creates lots of issues with policy management and implementation.

8. Missing integrations

While designing the solution all integrations should be accounted for during the planning stage itself. Missing critical integrations can lead to problems and project failure.

9. Complex policies

Avoid complex policies. Keep the policies simple and evaluate the roles and responsibilities and access restrictions in real-time. If complex policies are required, try to define them optimally. Do not introduce any new policy or alter the policies too many times.

10. No proper DR plan

For any successful project, a proper disaster recovery plan is necessary. Sometimes even losing a key can lead to project failure. Plan for any failure and test recovery.

11. Wrong product selection

Choose a product that is simple yet meets all your requirements. Selecting an incredibly capable product without proper use is only an investment loss. Ensure a product that is flexible to meet your future requirements too.

12. Inadequate communication, training, and monitoring –

When your employees are not properly trained they will push back or apply EDRM erroneously. Continuous monitoring is essential for the timely detection of errors and fixing them. If the EDRM project is executed too ambitiously, technical issues may not be solved and users may be in a fix when faced with such issues. As EDRM impacts the day-to-day work of many users proper communication, training, and monitoring are essential.


There are many factors to consider for a successful EDRM implementation. All these factors have to be carefully considered before you implement an EDRM project. Hasty decisions, improper planning, and implementation can lead to project failure.

However, with more than two decades of experience in the data security field, we feel that if you carefully consider the above factors, you can implement an EDRM project successfully.

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