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SECUDE Announces Integration of Autodesk Vault with Microsoft Information Protection

The solution will transform cloud data protection in the manufacturing industry

June 29, 2021
SECUDE Announces Integration of Autodesk Vault with Microsoft Information Protection


SECUDE, a leading data security provider specializing in data security for SAP Enterprise and CAD software, today announced to support IP protection capabilities for Autodesk customers. The solution enables users of Autodesk Vault to enhance their file integrity and security by leveraging Microsoft Information Protection (MIP).

Industrial designers, engineers, and manufacturers create trillions of dollars worth of intellectual property, such as details of either mature products or yet-to-be patented prototypes, often represented as constructional drawings typically stored as CAD files. Such IPs are invaluable to the organization’s business.

Autodesk Vault delivers greater automation for faster workflows and the ability to work with the design data anywhere, anytime using a mobile app or web browser.

SECUDE HALOCAD enables Autodesk Vault applications to use Microsoft Information Protection directly whenever the CAD files are checked out for editing or exported for sharing with partners. Autodesk users will not notice any difference in their user experience but will act in a controlled environment due to the HALOCAD privilege enforcement.

Microsoft Information Protection is the most visible platform for Digital Rights Management in the market. Millions of Microsoft users already leverage this standard for sharing documents fully encrypted and secured internally and with business partners.

Manufacturers are increasingly turning to cloud-based Software-as-a–service (SaaS) applications to run product development, production, supply chain, order management, financials, and other core business applications without the time and cost burden of on-premise software and servers.


SECUDE is an established global security solutions provider offering innovative IT data protection for SAP users.

Founded as a joint venture between SAP and Fraunhofer Institute in 1996, SECUDE maintained a close SAP technology partnership and became a reliable resource for security solutions for the SAP market with ‘Single Sign-On’ for SAP, which was acquired by SAP in 2011. With a focus on making business process for data protection efficient and automated with little or no user interference, SECUDE’s goal is to provide ease of use while minimizing cost of rollout and operations.

Leveraging its 20-plus years of experience in SAP security and business process know-how in protecting enterprise IP and data, SECUDE proffers HALOCORE®as a holistic approach to protect SAP data exports. In addition, it offers CAD file-specific security solution through HALOCAD® for SAP and non-SAP environments.

SECUDE’s solutions are trusted by many Fortune 500 and DAX listed companies. With branches in Europe, North America and Asia, SECUDE supports customers with the implementation of IT security strategies through a global network.

Many products promise to secure CAD files shared in worldwide process chains using proprietary encryption. However, when you have invested in Microsoft M365, it makes sense to leverage Microsoft Information Protection for your CAD files using HALOCAD as a simple cost-effective integration solution. SECUDE will ensure that Autodesk Vault users would be able to seamlessly leverage state–of–the–art security.


Holger Huegel, VP – Technology

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